Humanoid AuDHD girl-creature with a lust for blood, an obsession with all things strange, and the social prowess of a rusty nail.

Ouija Bored's Glass Coffin was, first and foremost, created as an online diary to display the thoughts of a weirdo neurodivergent twenty-something.
All my life I've struggled with the knowledge that I don't really fit in anywhere. I never did at school, or in the workplace, or in internet spaces. Dont get me wrong -- I've got good friends, an awesome boyfriend, and other people who care about me! But I don't think they'll ever really truly get what's going on inside my head.
Which is totally okay, because I don't either half the time!
So, I have created this site in order to document my thoughts and feelings and art and...whatever else I decide to put on here? Like a secret storage room for all the shit I'd rather not post to the visible side of the Internet.
Maybe this site will sit and collect dust like thousands of other's before it. Maybe I'll haunt its halls all by my lonesome, screaming into the void for all eternity. But! Maybe one day a person will stop by and look upon this page with little more than bemused curiosity, then say to themselves, "That's kinda rad I guess." And that would be cool.
So...yeah. That's it. If you happen to stumble upon this site, I say to you: "Welcome to the Glass Coffin!" Enjoy your stay. Be good to yourselves.

(actual photo of my resume)